In this technological era, many find convenience and efficiency through their devices. With almost everything we need shifting into our pockets, we can better our own mental health through resources found on our smartphones. 

Here are some ways you can better your mental health with your smartphone:

1. Notes Apps

Most smartphones usually come with an app where you can treat it like a notebook or a journal and jot down a few things. This is where you can let your creativity flow! You can journal your thoughts here and let yourself write away unfiltered. Journaling is a great and effective way to process your thoughts, feelings, and emotions in a space that is just for you!

2. Mood Tracking

There are many different apps out there that cater to mood tracking but it can be done much more simply. You can use your notes app and create a list where you write down your mood for each day. This can allow you to track your progress and notice patterns that you may not have noticed otherwise!

3. Meditation

Sometimes, you may just want a way to relax and decompress from the stressors of your everyday life and environment. A guided meditation, available through a variety of apps, can help you find peace and calm in a busy lifestyle.

4. Planners

There are multiple ways to incorporate a planner into your smartphone and make your life a little more organized. If you find it hard to keep up with events, tasks, meetings, classes, homework assignments, and other time-sensitive aspects of life, consider using your calendar app or planner apps to maximize your efficiency and lessen stress.

5. Virtual Counseling

In recent years, we have seen an increased availability of virtual counseling sessions that have allowed better access to mental health services. All you need is a smartphone with a camera as well as stable internet connection and you are set to attend virtual video sessions from the comfort of your home!

Smartphones allow access to so many resources at the tip of our fingers like never before! Take advantage of your smartphone and work toward bettering your mental health in no time!

Maryam Ahmed